Thursday, April 24, 2008

Puppy love

Ava's new favorite word....PUPPY! Here is mom and dad's new little puppy, Brady. Ava, of course, adores him. They are too cute together. She especially likes his little doggy bed and tried to take a nap in there today. Everybody say "Awwwww!"

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Sweet treat

Ava enjoyed sharing her first ice cream cone with mommy (and a little from grandpa too!) this afternoon. Dad used to take me to Baskin Robins for a treat when I was a kid. Lucky for me my dad likes ice cream so much! So to keep the tradition going, we took Ava for a scoop today. Big fun!

Friday, April 18, 2008


Mom, Jenny & Sony, Jose, Cindy, Betty & Neil, Lori and Shelby.....

Thank you so much for your donations to our Relay for Life efforts. Your kindness and generosity means so much to me. I'm getting closer to my goal! And thank you to everyone that has pledged their prayers and support for our family. I am so grateful.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Relay For Life

Just a reminder, I'm in the last few days of fundraising for the upcoming Relay for Life event for the American Cancer Society. If you can spare a few dollars to help me reach my goal, click the link above and follow the instructions to make a donation online. Thank you!

Dad arrives Saturday at noon! Lots of updates and pictures to follow!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Chat with us!

Here are Ava and I, just taken a second ago, sitting at our laptop using our new Web cam. We were chatting with Auntie Jenny using Skype (although the sound connection was BAD!). If anyone wants to chat on Web cam, or has advice on reliable VOIP, let me know!

Baby Baby!

Here he/she is..... Due October 17th.
Some of you may have heard a little about my experience early on. The hcg levels in my blood dropped A LOT, indicating that I was going to have a miscarriage. At 6 weeks, I started spotting and my OB was unable to detect an embryo via ultrasound. He said I most likely had a blighted ovum, when the fertilized egg implants and a sack grows, but no baby grows inside. By 8 weeks my levels were back up to normal and we saw a healthy baby on ultrasound. GO FIGURE!
Here is my little one at 12 weeks. I am happy and grateful, more than words can say.