Thursday, July 31, 2008

Mommy's silly little girl

Toddlerhood is so entertaining. Ava'a full of energy and enthusiasm for helping. Here we are baking banana bread together, one of her favorite snacks. Notice her little apron. It was made for me by my Grandma Loraine when I was a little girl and I've been keeping it all this time for Ava. She wants to help with everything I do. It's great! She is very independent and wants to try everything herself. I can hardly wait until she is old enough to vacuum! And we all know how much she loves the vacuum!

Here we are getting ready to go for a walk with the wagon. Unfortunately, mommy is now 29 weeks pregnant with baby Ian, and although my belly is still pretty small, huffing around the neighborhood with the wagon is a little much for me in 100+ degree weather and high humidity! In this picture, we were going out for a walk at about 7:30am. She snacked on flax and blueberry waffles while enjoying the scenery of the neighborhood.

Ahhh, the tupperware cabinet. Plenty of fun stuff in there! She is great at entertaining herself in the kitchen while I'm cooking or cleaning up.

And my little one is pretty good these days at putting on her own accessories - shoes, sunglasses and, of course, any of mommy's jewelry she can get her hands on!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

2nd-time-around-mother excuses

I used to be so diligently organized, but now it's a different story. But I'm making amends. I noticed that I had not printed out any photos (well, pretty much at least) from the past year. Ava's photo album was a little out of date. I've only taken one belly photo of baby Ian. Here I am at 20-ish weeks.

I've also uploaded some new-ish pics at Flickr. Photos include Ava's birthday party, as well as a hot day at the local spray park. Yes, she is SUPER cute in her swimsuit!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

School....with mommy

Two weeks ago, we spent the week at VBS at our church. I volunteered to head up the nursery with a friend of mine. We had a really great time. We had 20+ kids under the age of 3, but had plenty of activities and crafts to keep them entertained and happy. Ava had a fantastic time, especially since her favorite buddy Kaden was there to play with. She loved going to "school" everyday, so much in fact that we are considering a pre-school/mother's day out program this fall (only a half day twice a week). Check out pictures of VBS fun at Flickr.