Sunday, September 23, 2007

Biscuit Basker Raider

I guess Ava is taller than I give her credit for.

I had made turkey chili and biscuits for dinner and she especially loved the biscuits, of course. (Yes, Auntie Caroline, Ava likes "white dinners" too!) My new goal is to forgo the dishwasher and wash all my dishes by hand, dry them and put them away after every meal. (Only because I'll run the washer, then I'm not motivated to unload it so I procrastinate, and then I have to hand-wash dishes anyhow...) So as I was preoccupied with my dishpan-hands, I notice Ava walk into the living room with what looked like a biscuit in her hand. "That can't be," I thought. "I had set the basket of biscuits up on the counter out of her reach." Just then I spun around to find the basket on the kitchen floor and the biscuits scattered about. I don't know how she did it, but somehow she got the basket off the counter, pilfered a biscuit and ran off to the living room to enjoy it, and leave enough crumbs for the vacuum to dine on. Remarkable.

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