Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Commence tooth grinding...

Big news - we have a molar! Tonight I spotted the tip of her first molar erupting. She doesn't seem to notice (for the time being...), but I caught a glimpse of it when she was screaming because I was putting her in her high chair. (Side note- this is why she generally doesn't eat in her high chair anymore!) I reached in there for a little feel and my finger confirmed what my eyes had seen. You can't stop progress!

Today Ava enjoyed her second story time session at our local library. The childrens librarian is just wonderful and Ava enjoys her stories and activities, and especially likes checking out the other little kids. She was pretty shy the first time we went, but today she was more curious and let down her guard and had fun. It was really sweet.

I finished her reading nook today. I made a pink curtain and hung it to separate the area and make it feel special, and I finished making flannel pillow cases for the plethora of pillows that she enjoys flopping on. She loves to get a book and sit up against a pillow and read to me in her reading voice, much like her phone voice, which is loud and babble-y. I'm reading her Little House in Brookfield and while I read to her she pretends to read along from another book. Cute is an understatement.

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